1.
Smoking
is
a
one-way
ticket
to
a
cancer
diagnosis.
【#UnhealthyLiving】
2.
Fast
food
may
be
convenient,
but
it's
also
a
shortcut
to
heart
disease.
【#UnhealthyEatingHabits】
3.
You
can't
pour
from
an
empty
cup
-
prioritize
self-care
and
healthy
habits.
【#SelfCareMatters】
4.
Live
every
day
like
it's
your
last
-
because
with
an
unhealthy
lifestyle,
it
might
be.
【#LiveHealthy】
5.
Your
body
is
a
temple
-
don't
fill
it
with
junk.
【#HealthyBodyHealthyMind】
6.
An
unhealthy
lifestyle
is
a
recipe
for
disaster
-
literally.
【#RecipeForDisaster】
7.
Alcohol
may
be
fun
in
the
moment,
but
it's
detrimental
to
your
health
in
the
long
run.
【#DrinkResponsibly】
8.
If
you
don't
have
your
health,
you
don't
have
anything.
【#HealthIsWealth】
9.
Sitting
is
the
new
smoking
-
get
up
and
move
your
body.
【#SedentaryLifestyle】
10.
Your
body
is
a
reflection
of
what
you
put
into
it
-
choose
wisely.
【#YouAreWhatYouEat】
11.
The
effects
of
an
unhealthy
lifestyle
may
not
be
immediate,
but
they
will
catch
up
to
you
eventually.
【#DelayedConsequences】
12.
You
can't
out-exercise
a
bad
diet.
【#DietAndExerciseGoHandInHand】
13.
little
indulgence
every
once
in
a
while
is
okay,
but
a
consistently
unhealthy
lifestyle
will
catch
up
to
you.
【#ModerationIsKey】
14.
Your
body
is
capable
of
amazing
things
-
don't
make
it
work
harder
than
it
has
to.
【#RespectYourBody】
15.
Life
is
short
-
don't
waste
it
being
unhealthy.
【#ChooseLife】
16.
You
can't
achieve
your
goals
if
your
body
is
holding
you
back.
【#HealthyBodyHealthyGoals】
17.
Your
health
is
a
precious
gift
-
don't
take
it
for
granted.
【#GiftOfHealth】
18.
An
unhealthy
lifestyle
doesn't
just
harm
you
-
it
harms
those
who
love
you
and
depend
on
you.
【#ThinkOfOthers】
19.
No
amount
of
money
can
buy
good
health.
【#HealthIsPriceless】
20.
You
only
get
one
body
-
treat
it
right.
【#OneChanceAtLife】