.jpg)
1.
"Life
is
like
a
bouquet
of
flowers,
some
bloom
brighter
than
others,
but
they
all
add
beauty
to
the
world.
"】
2.
"Just
like
flowers
need
both
sun
and
rain,
life
also
has
its
ups
and
downs.
"】
3.
"A
bouquet
of
flowers
is
made
up
of
different
colors
and
varieties,
just
like
life
is
made
up
of
diversity
and
differences.
"】
4.
"The
fragrance
of
flowers
symbolizes
the
goodness
and
positivity
we
should
always
strive
to
bring
into
our
daily
lives.
"】
5.
"Amidst
the
hardships,
remember
that
just
like
flowers,
life
has
a
way
of
blooming
in
unexpected
ways.
"】
6.
"Just
like
how
flowers
wilt
and
wither,
time
waits
for
no
one.
So
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
"】
7.
"A
bouquet
of
flowers
may
seem
delicate,
but
they
are
actually
resilient.
Life
is
the
same
-
we
possess
a
strength
within
us
we
often
forget.
"】
8.
"A
bouquet
of
flowers
represents
a
special
moment,
just
like
precious
memories
in
our
lives.
"】
9.
"It's
in
the
little
details
of
life
-
the
intricate
beauty
of
a
flower
or
a
simple
deed
-
that
bring
great
joy
and
happiness.
"】
10.
"Just
like
how
arranging
a
bouquet
requires
effort
and
care,
life
requires
us
to
put
in
effort
to
create
our
own
happiness.
"】
11.
"Just
like
how
different
flowers
complement
each
other
in
a
bouquet,
we
should
appreciate
the
differences
in
one
another.
"】
12.
"The
beauty
of
a
bouquet
lies
not
only
in
the
flowers
themselves,
but
also
in
the
way
they
are
arranged.
Life
is
all
about
the
details.
"】
13.
"Just
like
how
flowers
have
a
time
to
wilt
and
a
time
to
bloom,
life
is
full
of
cycles
and
changes.
Embrace
them.
"】
14.
"A
bouquet
of
flowers
is
a
gift
from
the
heart
-
just
like
the
special
moments
and
people
in
our
lives
are
a
gift
to
cherish.
"】
15.
"A
flower's
petals
represent
different
stages
of
growth
-
just
like
the
different
stages
of
life
we
all
experience.
"】
16.
"Just
like
how
some
flowers
are
rare
and
unique,
each
of
us
possesses
our
own
special
qualities
and
strengths.
"】
17.
"Flowers
remind
us
to
appreciate
the
beauty
in
life,
in
both
the
good
and
the
bad
times.
"】
18.
"A
bouquet
of
flowers
brings
smiles
and
lifts
spirits.
Let
us
strive
to
bring
positivity
and
kindness
wherever
we
go.
"】
19.
"Just
like
how
flowers
need
water
to
thrive,
we
need
love
and
support
to
grow
and
flourish
in
life.
"】
20.
"May
we
always
take
inspiration
from
the
beauty
of
a
bouquet
of
flowers,
and
work
towards
creating
a
more
beautiful
world
for
all.
"】