.jpg)
1.
"Beauty
lies
not
only
in
eloquent,
flowery
words
but
also
in
the
practicality
of
language.
"
【惟有语言实用,方能让文字更唯美。
】
2.
"A
well-crafted
sentence
is
like
a
diamond,
both
practical
and
exquisite.
"
【精心打磨的句子如钻石般实用又精致。
】
3.
"Simplicity
in
words
and
beauty
in
expression
can
coexist
in
harmony.
"
【简单的语言表达的美妙,与丰富表情的美感和谐共存。
】
4.
"A
well-written
piece
of
work
is
not
only
practical
but
also
eternally
beautiful.
"
【优美的文字不仅实用,更具永恒的美感。
】
5.
"Effective
communication
requires
both
practicality
and
elegance
in
language
usage.
"
【有效的交流需要结合实用与优雅的语言运用。
】
6.
"The
beauty
of
language
lies
in
its
ability
to
convey
practical
information
while
also
evoking
strong
emotions.
"
【语言之美在于它能传达实用信息的同时唤起深厚的情感。
】
7.
"Clarity
in
language
enables
both
practicality
and
elegance
in
expression.
"
【清晰的语言让文字既实用又优美。
】
8.
"Language
is
the
gateway
to
practical
knowledge
and
the
key
to
the
world
of
beauty.
"
【语言是通向实用知识和美的关键。
】
9.
"The
beauty
of
language
lies
in
its
ability
to
simplify
complex
ideas
and
make
them
more
practical.
"
【语言之美在于它能将复杂的思想简化并变得更实用。
】
10.
"Elegance
in
language
usage
can
bring
practicality
to
life.
"
【优美的语言运用能让实用变得生动。
】
11.
"The
practicality
of
language
is
not
a
hindrance
to
its
beauty,
but
rather
its
greatest
asset.
"
【语言的实用性不是其美感的障碍,而是其最大的优势。
】
12.
"The
beauty
of
language
lies
not
in
its
complexity,
but
in
its
ability
to
simplify
the
complex.
"
【语言之美不在于其复杂性,而在于其将复杂变简单的能力。
】
13.
"A
language
that
is
both
practical
and
beautiful
is
a
true
masterpiece.
"
【既实用又美丽的语言才是真正的杰作。
】
14.
"The
practicality
of
language
is
like
the
wings
of
a
bird,
while
its
beauty
is
its
colorful
feathers.
"
【语言的实用性如鸟的翅膀,它的美感则是它华美的羽毛。
】
15.
"Language
is
not
just
a
tool,
but
an
art
that
combines
practicality
and
beauty.
"
【语言不仅仅是一种工具,而是结合实用与美感的艺术。
】
16.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
its
ability
to
bring
practicality
to
life,
and
make
life
more
beautiful.
"
【语言之美在于它能让实用生动起来,让生活变得更美好。
】
17.
"Language
is
the
bridge
that
connects
practicality
and
beauty,
making
them
inseparable.
"
【语言是连接实用与美感的桥梁,让它们成为不可分割的关联。
】
18.
"A
language
that
is
only
practical
is
like
a
rose
without
fragrance,
while
a
language
that
is
only
beautiful
is
like
a
shell
without
a
pearl.
"
【只具实用性的语言就像没有香气的玫瑰,只追求美感的语言则像没有珍珠的贝壳。
】
19.
"Practicality
in
language
leads
to
efficiency
and
effectiveness,
while
beauty
in
language
leads
to
inspiration
and
motivation.
"
【语言的实用性使人更有效率,更高效;语言的美感则赋予人启示和动力。
】
20.
"The
art
of
language
lies
in
combining
practicality
and
beauty
in
a
seamless
and
harmonious
way.
"
【语言的艺术在于将实用性与美感融合得无缝且和谐的方式。
】