.jpg)
1.
"Love
that
requires
waiting
is
not
love
at
all.
"
【#NoMoreWait】
2.
"If
you
have
to
wait
for
love,
it's
not
worth
having.
"
【#LoveWithoutWait】
3.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
don't
wait
for
them
–
you
make
it
happen.
"
【#MakeLoveHappen】
4.
"The
best
kind
of
love
is
the
one
that
doesn't
require
any
wait.
"
【#InstantLove】
5.
"Life
is
too
short
to
wait
for
someone
to
love
you
back.
"
【#CarpeDiem】
6.
"True
love
doesn't
need
time
or
patience,
it
just
needs
two
people
who
are
ready.
"
【#ReadyForLove】
7.
"Waiting
for
someone
else
to
love
you
is
like
waiting
for
a
ship
at
the
airport.
"
【#LoveExpectationVsReality】
8.
"When
love
is
real,
there
is
no
waiting
period
needed.
"
【#RealLoveIsInstant】
9.
"Don't
waste
your
time
waiting
for
someone
to
love
you
back
–
love
yourself
first.
"
【#SelfLoveFirst】
10.
"Love
shouldn't
be
a
waiting
game,
it
should
be
a
continuous
journey
of
growth
and
exploration.
"
【#LoveIsAJourney】
11.
"If
you
have
to
wait
for
love,
you're
better
off
waiting
for
the
right
person.
"
【#LoveWillFindYou】
12.
"Love
is
not
about
waiting
for
someone
to
complete
you,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
as
you
are.
"
【#AcceptanceIsTheKeyToLove】
13.
"Waiting
for
love
is
like
waiting
for
water
in
the
desert
–
it's
better
to
find
it
yourself.
"
【#FindLoveYourself】
14.
"Love
that
takes
time
to
grow
is
often
the
strongest
kind.
"
【#StrongLove】
15.
"Love
that
needs
no
waiting
is
like
a
bird
that
can
soar
freely
in
the
sky.
"
【#FreeLove】
16.
"You
don't
have
to
wait
for
someone
to
love
you
–
love
yourself
enough
to
walk
away
from
those
who
don't.
"
【#NoToToxicLove】
17.
"True
love
doesn't
wait
for
the
perfect
moment,
it
creates
it.
"
【#CreateYourOwnLoveStory】
18.
"Love
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
right
person,
but
about
being
the
right
person.
"
【#BeTheRightPerson】
19.
"Waiting
for
love
is
like
waiting
for
a
train
that
never
comes
–
it's
time
to
take
a
different
route.
"
【#ChooseYourOwnPath】
20.
"Love
is
not
about
waiting
for
someone
to
come
into
your
life,
it's
about
making
the
most
of
the
people
who
are
already
there.
"
【#LoveThePeopleAroundYou】