.jpg)
1.
"You
make
me
want
to
be
a
better
man.
"
-
As
Good
As
It
Gets
【励志摆脱自卑】
2.
"I'm
just
a
girl
standing
in
front
of
a
boy
asking
him
to
love
her.
"
-
Notting
Hill
【励志勇敢表白】
3.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
-
Moulin
Rouge
【励志感恩爱人】
4.
"I'm
scared
of
everything.
I'm
scared
of
what
saw,
I'm
scared
of
what
did,
of
who
am,
and
most
of
all
I'm
scared
of
walking
out
of
this
room
and
never
feeling
the
rest
of
my
whole
life
the
way
feel
when
I'm
with
you.
"
-
Dirty
Dancing
【励志珍惜爱人】
5.
"I
would
rather
have
had
one
breath
of
her
hair,
one
kiss
from
her
mouth,
one
touch
of
her
hand,
than
eternity
without
it.
"
-
City
of
Angels
【励志珍惜缘分】
6.
"You
don't
have
to
understand.
You
just
have
to
have
faith.
"
-
Walk
to
Remember
【励志相信爱情】
7.
"Love
is
passion,
obsession,
someone
you
can't
live
without.
say,
fall
head
over
heels.
Find
someone
you
can
love
like
crazy
and
who
will
love
you
the
same
way
back.
"
-
Meet
Joe
Black
【励志追求真爱】
8.
"Hope
is
a
good
thing,
maybe
the
best
of
things,
and
no
good
thing
ever
dies.
"
-
The
Shawshank
Redemption
【励志坚持希望】
9.
"You
know
what
they
call
love
that's
survived
even
after
you've
made
so
many
mistakes?
It's
called
real.
"
-
The
Vow
【励志重拾真爱】
10.
"In
time,
the
hurt
began
to
fade
and
it
was
easier
to
just
let
it
go.
At
least
thought
it
was.
But
in
every
boy
met
in
the
next
few
years,
found
myself
looking
for
you,
and
when
the
feelings
got
too
strong,
I'd
write
you
another
letter.
But
never
sent
them
for
fear
of
what
might
find
out.
"
-
Walk
to
Remember
【励志释放过去】
11.
"I
think
I'd
miss
you
even
if
we
never
met.
"
-
The
Wedding
Date
【励志珍惜友谊】
12.
"Finding
someone
you
love
and
who
loves
you
back
is
a
wonderful,
wonderful
feeling.
But
finding
a
true
soul
mate
is
an
even
better
feeling.
soul
mate
is
someone
who
understands
you
like
no
other,
loves
you
like
no
other,
will
be
there
for
you
forever,
no
matter
what.
"
-
The
Bridges
of
Madison
County
【励志寻找灵魂伴侣】
13.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
love
all
of
them.
You
gotta
love
everything
about
them,
not
just
the
good
things
but
the
bad
things
too.
The
things
that
you
find
lovable
and
the
things
you
don't.
"
-
Before
We
Go
【励志包容爱人】
14.
"I
would
rather
spend
one
lifetime
with
you,
than
face
all
the
ages
of
this
world
alone.
"
-
The
Lord
of
the
Rings:
The
Fellowship
of
the
Ring
【励志珍惜陪伴】
15.
"Life
is
an
unpredictable
journey,
and
we
never
know
what's
going
to
happen
tomorrow.
But
one
thing
we
do
know
is
that
we
can
choose
who
we
want
to
take
that
journey
with.
"
-
The
Notebook
【励志珍惜家人】
16.
"I'm
not
a
writer.
I'm
just
a
passionate
man
who
loves
his
woman.
"
-
The
Notebook
【励志用行动爱人】
17.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling,
Mr.
Burns.
It's
an
ability.
"
-
The
Holiday
【励志学会爱人】
18.
"I
don't
want
easy.
want
crazy.
"
-
Something
Borrowed
【励志追求激情爱情】
19.
"You
make
me
happy.
And
that's
a
big
deal.
"
-
The
Fault
in
Our
Stars
【励志珍惜幸福】
20.
"You
will
never
age
for
me,
nor
fade,
nor
die.
"
-
Shakespeare
in
Love
【励志永恒爱人】