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1.
生活因为热爱而精彩,因为奋斗而充实。
【Life
is
splendid
because
of
love
and
fulfilling
because
of
endeavor.
】
2.
不要忘记那个最初的自己,哪怕已经走了很远的路,依然要忠于内心。
【Never
forget
the
initial
yourself,
even
if
you’ve
walked
a
long
way,
always
stay
true
to
yourself.
】
3.
每一次尝试,都是一次成长;每一次飞跃,都是一次超越。
【Every
attempt
is
a
growth
and
every
leap
is
a
transcendence.
】
4.
成功就是,跨出第一步之后,还有第二步、第三步.
.
.
的坚定不移。
【Success
is
the
determination
to
take
the
second,
third,
and
further
steps
after
the
first
one.
】
5.
不因懒惰而袖手旁观,不因困难而畏缩退缩,今日的努力,是明日的收获。
【Don't
sit
by
idly
in
the
face
of
laziness
or
shy
away
from
difficulties,
say
today’s
efforts
will
be
tomorrow's
harvest.
】
6.
用梦想点亮心灵的灯,用毅力开启成功的钥匙,让青春披荆斩棘,用汗水铸就未来。
【Use
dreams
to
light
up
the
light
of
the
soul,
use
perseverance
to
open
the
key
to
success,
let
youth
face
all
difficulties
and
sweat
to
create
the
future.
】
7.
路遥知马力,时久见人心,真正的自己,不需要回头审视。
【The
long
road
test
the
horsepower
and
time
reveals
true
intentions.
True
self
does
not
require
looking
back.
】
8.
勤劳是筑造梦想的基石,坚持是实现梦想的力量。
【Diligence
is
the
cornerstone
of
building
dreams,
perseverance
is
the
strength
to
achieve
them.
】
9.
发现你的优点,保持心态,随时准备迎接挑战。
【Find
your
strengths,
keep
the
right
attitude,
and
be
ready
to
face
challenges
at
any
time.
】
10.
生命只有走出去的精彩,没有等待时光浪费的成功。
【Life
is
only
splendid
if
you
step
out
of
your
comfort
zone,
not
waiting
for
time
to
pass
by.
】
11.
想要站得高,就要比别人更努力;想要走得远,就要比别人更坚定。
【If
you
want
to
stand
high,
you
have
to
make
more
efforts
than
others;
if
you
want
to
go
far,
you
have
to
be
more
firm
than
others.
】
12.
天行健,君子自律;地势坤,君子厚德。
【The
heavens
are
expansive,
the
men
of
respect
are
self-disciplined;
the
earth
is
sustaining,
the
men
of
respect
are
great-hearted.
】
13.
谁对未来充满梦想,谁就能在今天的挑战中体验成功的喜悦。
【Whoever
has
hope
for
the
future
can
experience
the
joy
of
success
in
the
challenges
of
today.
】
14.
成功的意义是,用自己的力量去发光,而不是不断去找明灯。
【The
meaning
of
success
is
to
shine
with
our
own
strength,
not
constantly
search
for
a
flashlight.
】
15.
细节决定成败,用心打磨细节,才能赢得成功。
【Details
determine
success
or
failure.
Only
by
refining
details
with
our
heart
can
we
achieve
success.
】
16.
勇于面对挑战,患得患失只让你失去更多机会。
【Be
brave
in
the
face
of
challenges.
Focusing
too
much
on
the
pros
and
cons
only
makes
you
lose
more
opportunities.
】
17.
成功并不是排除错综复杂的问题,而是在混乱中找到迈向明天的路。
【Success
is
not
about
eliminating
complex
problems,
it
is
about
finding
a
way
forward
amid
chaos.
】
18.
给自己一个明确的目标,然后通过一步步的行动去实现它。
【Give
yourself
a
clear
goal
and
then
take
steps
toward
it.
】
19.
时间给予我们的不仅仅是岁月的绽放,更是梦想的助力。
【Time
not
only
gives
us
the
bloom
of
years
but
also
the
power
to
dream.
】
20.
没有什么比坚持更能孕育出成功的果实。
【Nothing
can
bear
the
fruit
of
success
more
than
perseverance.
】