.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
the
tie
that
binds
hearts
together,
stronger
even
than
blood.
"
【爱情是将心灵紧紧相连的纽带,比血缘还要强大。
】
2.
"Family
is
chosen
by
blood,
but
love
chooses
its
own
family.
"
【家庭因血缘而起,而爱情则选择自己的家人。
】
3.
"True
love
transcends
all
barriers,
even
those
of
blood
and
lineage.
"
【真正的爱情能超越一切障碍,包括血缘和家世。
】
4.
"Love
sees
beyond
differences
in
race,
religion,
and
upbringing
to
connect
two
souls.
"
【爱情能透过肤色、宗教、背景等差异,把两颗心紧密连接。
】
5.
"Blood
is
thicker
than
water,
but
love
is
the
glue
that
holds
us
all
together.
"
【血浓于水,可是爱情才是将我们紧密连接的胶水。
】
6.
"Family
ties
may
bind,
but
love
sets
us
free
to
follow
our
hearts.
"
【家族纽带或许会束缚,可是爱情却能让我们随心所欲。
】
7.
"In
love,
we
find
a
connection
so
deep
that
even
the
strongest
bonds
of
blood
cannot
match.
"
【在爱情中,我们建立了一种无比深刻的联系,连血缘最强的纽带也比不上。
】
8.
"Love
is
the
driving
force
that
inspires
us
to
go
beyond
family
expectations
and
limitations.
"
【爱情是激励我们超越家庭预期和限制的动力源泉。
】
9.
"Family
may
provide
roots,
but
love
gives
us
wings
to
soar.
"
【家庭为我们提供根基,可是爱情赐我们翱翔的翅膀。
】
10.
"Love
is
the
light
that
illuminates
even
the
darkest
corners
of
our
souls,
shining
a
path
towards
unity
and
understanding.
"
【爱情是照亮我们灵魂中最黑暗的角落的光芒,带领我们走向团结和理解的方向。
】
11.
"Family
ties
may
bind
us
together,
but
it
is
love
that
helps
us
grow
and
evolve
as
individuals.
"
【家族纽带将我们紧密相连,可是爱情却能让我们作为个体不断成长和进化。
】
12.
"In
the
end,
it
is
not
blood
that
defines
us,
but
the
love
we
give
and
receive
throughout
our
lives.
"
【最终,决定我们的不是血缘,而是我们一生中所给予和接受的爱。
】
13.
"Love
bridges
the
gap
between
two
hearts,
whether
they
share
the
same
bloodline
or
not.
"
【爱情能弥合两颗心之间的距离,不论他们是否来自同一血脉。
】
14.
"Family
loyalty
may
be
strong,
but
there
is
no
bond
more
powerful
than
the
love
between
two
kindred
spirits.
"
【家庭忠诚或许很强,然而,没有比两个灵魂之间的爱更强大的纽带。
】
15.
"Love
is
the
ultimate
truth
that
transcends
all
differences
and
unites
us
in
a
common
bond.
"
【爱情是超越所有差异的最终真理,让我们在共同的羁绊中团结一致。
】
16.
"Blood
may
be
thicker
than
water,
but
love
is
thicker
than
blood.
"
【血浓于水,可是爱更浓于血。
】
17.
"Love
gives
us
the
courage
to
break
free
from
familial
expectations
and
pursue
our
own
dreams.
"
【爱情赋予我们勇气,跳脱出家庭的期望,追寻自己的梦想。
】
18.
"Family
ties
may
be
unbreakable,
but
the
power
of
love
can
transcend
even
death
itself.
"
【家族纽带或许难以割断,可是爱情的力量却可以超越死亡。
】
19.
"In
the
end,
it
is
love
that
makes
a
family,
not
blood
or
genetics.
"
【终极的归宿,是由爱凝聚的家庭,而不是血缘或基因。
】
20.
"Love
is
the
key
that
unlocks
the
door
to
true
happiness
and
fulfillment
in
life.
"
【爱情是开启获得真正幸福和满足的大门的关键。
】