.jpg)
1.
“Your
skin
is
a
reflection
of
how
well
you
are
taking
care
of
yourself.
”
【感受自身保养,皮肤会为你而反映】
2.
“The
journey
to
beautiful
skin
begins
with
self-love
and
self-care.
”
【追求美丽肌肤的旅程,始于爱与呵护自己】
3.
“Healthy
skin
requires
commitment,
not
a
miracle.
”
【健康的肌肤需要“承诺”,而非“奇迹”】
4.
“Your
skincare
routine
should
be
a
ritual,
not
a
chore.
”
【肌肤护理应该是一种仪式,而非一项繁琐的工作】
5.
“Taking
care
of
your
skin
is
like
an
investment
for
your
future.
”
【肌肤保养就像为未来做出的投资】
6.
“Beauty
is
not
skin
deep,
but
healthy
skin
makes
it
easier
to
let
your
inner
beauty
shine
through.
”
【美丽不仅仅源于表面,而健康的肌肤让内在美更加闪亮】
7.
“The
most
important
makeup
tool
is
healthy
skin.
”
【最重要的化妆工具就是健康的肌肤】
8.
“Great
skin
doesn't
happen
overnight,
but
consistent
care
will
make
all
the
difference.
”
【好肌肤不是一夜之间变成的,但持之以恒的呵护会带来翻天覆地的改变】
9.
“Natural
beauty
starts
with
natural
skincare.
”
【天然的美丽始于天然的肌肤呵护】
10.
“Your
skin
deserves
the
best
care
possible,
because
it's
the
only
one
you've
got.
”
【你的肌肤值得最好的呵护,因为它是你惟一拥有的】
11.
“A
healthy
and
glowing
complexion
is
the
perfect
accessory
for
any
outfit.
”
【健康而光彩照人的肤色是搭配任何一套服装的完美配饰】
12.
“The
best
foundation
you
can
wear
is
beautiful,
healthy
skin.
”
【最好的底妆就是美丽健康的肌肤】
13.
“Beautiful
skin
requires
commitment,
not
a
miracle.
”
【美丽的肌肤需要“承诺”,而非“奇迹”】
14.
“Your
skin
is
a
canvas,
and
you
are
the
artist.
Take
care
of
it,
and
watch
it
bloom.
”
【你的肌肤就像一块画布,而你是艺术家。
呵护它,看它绽放】
15.
“When
you
take
care
of
your
skin,
you're
giving
yourself
the
gift
of
confidence
and
self-love.
”
【当你呵护肌肤时,你是在送给自己信心和自爱的礼物】
16.
“Cleanse,
tone,
moisturize
-
the
holy
trinity
of
skincare.
”
【清洁、爽肤、保湿——肌肤护理的三位一体】
17.
“Your
skincare
routine
is
a
form
of
self-expression.
”
【你的肌肤护理是一种自我表达】
18.
“The
secret
to
beautiful
skin
is
to
nourish
it
from
the
inside
out.
”
【美丽肌肤的秘诀在于从内而外滋养它】
19.
“Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
good
skincare
routine.
”
【永远不要低估好的肌肤护理的力量】
20.
“Invest
in
your
skin,
it's
going
to
represent
you
for
a
very
long
time.
”
【为你的肌肤投资,它将代表你很长一段时间。
】