.jpg)
1.
"Together
we
can
conquer
anything
life
throws
our
way.
"
【感受爱情的力量】
2.
"My
hand
in
yours,
my
heart
full
of
love.
"
【浪漫时刻,永恒爱意】
3.
"The
happiest
moments
are
those
we
share
with
the
ones
we
love.
"
【与最爱同行相伴】
4.
"I
never
feel
alone
when
I'm
holding
your
hand.
"
【相扶相依,直至白头】
5.
"Every
step
we
take
together
is
a
special
one.
"
【相濡以沫,步步相伴】
6.
"The
beauty
of
love
is
found
in
the
simplicity
of
holding
hands.
"
【简单手牵手,也能令人心动】
7.
"Forever
grateful
for
the
moments
we
hold
hands
and
walk
through
life.
"
【感激每一个牵手时刻】
8.
"Our
love
story
is
written
in
every
touch
of
our
fingers.
"
【指尖缠绵,细细品味爱情】
9.
"The
bond
that
connects
us
is
strengthened
by
every
hand-to-hand
hold.
"
【紧握手中爱,牢牢相连】
10.
"The
touch
of
your
hand
makes
everything
feel
better.
"
【手牵手,轻松愉快】
11.
"In
your
hand
find
security
and
endless
comfort.
"
【安心安全,无尽温馨】
12.
"Lending
me
your
hand
is
the
most
precious
gift
you
could
ever
give.
"
【手托手,爱意无限】
13.
"Nothing
compares
to
knowing
that
we
always
have
each
other's
hand
to
hold.
"
【相互扶持,一生相伴】
14.
"Our
connection
is
strengthened
in
every
moment
of
holding
hands.
"
【牵手时刻,爱意倍增】
15.
"Happiness
is
found
in
taking
each
other's
hand
and
strolling
through
life
together.
"
【幸福时刻,相互扶持】
16.
"The
warmth
of
holding
hands
communicates
love
even
when
words
fail.
"
【手牵手,情语无需言说】
17.
"Walking
hand
in
hand,
we
create
a
life
full
of
precious
memories.
"
【手牵手,谱写幸福记忆】
18.
"Holding
hands
fills
my
heart
with
joy
and
my
soul
with
peace.
"
【手牵手,心满意足】
19.
"Sometimes
holding
hands
says
more
than
words
ever
could.
"
【牵手延伸爱,语言难表达】
20.
"In
every
moment
of
holding
your
hand,
feel
blessed
by
your
love.
"
【手牵手,爱意满满,幸福相拥】