.jpg)
1.
“Just
keep
swimming.
”
–
Dory
in
Finding
Nemo
【温柔励志语录大全】
2.
“Why
do
we
fall,
sir?
So
that
we
can
learn
to
pick
ourselves
up.
”
-
Alfred
in
Batman
Begins
【温柔励志语录大全】
3.
“Life
is
not
the
amount
of
breaths
you
take,
it’s
the
moments
that
take
your
breath
away.
”
–
Will
Smith
in
Hitch
【温柔励志语录大全】
4.
“No
matter
how
bad
things
get,
something
good
is
out
there,
just
over
the
horizon.
”
-
Joel
in
The
Last
of
Us
Part
【温柔励志语录大全】
5.
“Hope
is
a
good
thing,
maybe
the
best
of
things,
and
no
good
thing
ever
dies.
”
–
Andy
in
The
Shawshank
Redemption
【温柔励志语录大全】
6.
“You
are
who
you
choose
to
be.
”
–
Hogarth
in
The
Iron
Giant
【温柔励志语录大全】
7.
“Do,
or
do
not.
There
is
no
try.
”
–
Yoda
in
Star
Wars:
The
Empire
Strikes
Back
【温柔励志语录大全】
8.
“Tomorrow
is
a
new
day
with
no
mistakes
in
it…
yet.
”
–
Anne
Shirley
in
Anne
of
Green
Gables
【温柔励志语录大全】
9.
“All
we
have
to
decide
is
what
to
do
with
the
time
that
is
given
us.
”
–
Gandalf
in
The
Fellowship
of
the
Ring
【温柔励志语录大全】
10.
“Let
your
heart
guide
you.
It
whispers,
so
listen
closely.
”
–
Littlefoot’s
Mother
in
The
Land
Before
Time
【温柔励志语录大全】
11.
“The
only
thing
we
have
to
fear
is
fear
itself.
”
–
Franklin
D.
Roosevelt
in
World
War
Prelude
to
War
【温柔励志语录大全】
12.
“In
every
job
that
must
be
done,
there
is
an
element
of
fun.
You
find
the
fun
and
–
snap!
–
the
job’s
a
game!”
-
Mary
Poppins
in
Mary
Poppins
Returns
【温柔励志语录大全】
13.
“I
think
some
people
just
aren’t
meant
to
be
happy.
They’re
meant
to
be
great.
”
–
Ryan
in
La
La
Land
【温柔励志语录大全】
14.
“Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
”
–
Christian
D.
Larson
in
The
Illusionist
【温柔励志语录大全】
15.
“I
can’t
change
the
direction
of
the
wind,
but
can
adjust
my
sails
to
always
reach
my
destination.
”
–
Jimmy
Dean
in
Diamonds
are
Forever
【温柔励志语录大全】
16.
“You
have
within
you
right
now,
everything
you
need
to
deal
with
whatever
the
world
can
throw
at
you.
”
–
Napoleon
Hill
in
Think
and
Grow
Rich
【温柔励志语录大全】
17.
“Even
the
darkest
night
will
end
and
the
sun
will
rise.
”
–
Victor
Hugo
in
Les
Misérables
【温柔励志语录大全】
18.
“We’re
all
traveling
through
time
together,
every
day
of
our
lives.
All
we
can
do
is
do
our
best
to
relish
this
remarkable
ride.
”
–
Kate
Winslet
in
The
Holiday
【温柔励志语录大全】
19.
“You
are
not
a
failure
until
you
give
up.
”
–
The
Tramp
in
City
Lights
【温柔励志语录大全】
20.
“Our
lives
are
defined
by
opportunities.
Even
the
ones
we
miss.
”
–
Benjamin
Button
in
The
Curious
Case
of
Benjamin
Button
【温柔励志语录大全】