.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
never
lost.
If
not
reciprocated,
it
will
flow
back
and
soften
and
purify
the
heart.
"
-
Washington
Irving
【失恋温柔的句子】
2.
"Holding
onto
something
that
doesn't
want
to
be
held
only
causes
more
pain.
"
-
Unknown
【失恋温柔的句子】
3.
"Sometimes
it
takes
a
heartbreak
to
shake
us
awake
and
help
us
see
we
are
worth
so
much
more
than
we're
settling
for.
"
-
Mandy
Hale
【失恋温柔的句子】
4.
"In
three
words
can
sum
up
everything
I've
learned
about
life:
it
goes
on.
"
-
Robert
Frost
【失恋温柔的句子】
5.
"Heartbreak
is
like
a
storm,
but
the
sunshine
after
is
worth
it.
"
-
Unknown
【失恋温柔的句子】
6.
"When
we
are
in
love,
we
are
convinced
nobody
else
will
do.
But
as
time
goes,
others
do
do,
and
often
do
do,
much
much
better.
"
-
Coco
J.
Ginger
【失恋温柔的句子】
7.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
"
-
Alfred
Lord
Tennyson
【失恋温柔的句子】
8.
"Sometimes
good
things
fall
apart
so
better
things
can
fall
together.
"
-
Marilyn
Monroe
【失恋温柔的句子】
9.
"Heartbreak
could
be
lived
with
if
it
weren't
accompanied
by
regret.
"
-
Laura
Kasischke
【失恋温柔的句子】
10.
"Love
can
sometimes
be
magic.
But
magic
can
sometimes.
.
.
just
be
an
illusion.
"
-
Javan
【失恋温柔的句子】
11.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
only
that
it
cannot
last
forever,
but
that
heartbreak
is
soon
forgotten.
"
-
William
Faulkner
【失恋温柔的句子】
12.
"Sometimes
we
must
undergo
hardships,
breakups,
and
narcissistic
wounds,
which
shatter
the
flattering
image
that
we
had
of
ourselves,
in
order
to
discover
two
truths:
that
we
are
not
who
we
thought
we
were;
and
that
the
loss
of
a
cherished
pleasure
is
not
necessarily
the
loss
of
true
happiness
and
well-being.
"
-
Jean-Yves
Leloup
【失恋温柔的句子】
13.
"Healing
takes
courage,
and
we
all
have
courage,
even
if
we
have
to
dig
a
little
to
find
it.
"
-
Tori
Amos
【失恋温柔的句子】
14.
"It
is
only
with
true
love
and
compassion
that
we
can
begin
to
mend
what
is
broken
in
the
world.
It
is
these
two
blessed
things
that
can
begin
to
heal
all
broken
hearts.
"
-
Steve
Maraboli
【失恋温柔的句子】
15.
"The
best
way
to
heal
a
broken
heart,
it
turns
out,
is
to
find
a
way
to
move
past
the
hurt.
"
-
Mary
Kay
Andrews
【失恋温柔的句子】
16.
"To
be
rejected
by
someone
doesn't
mean
you
should
also
reject
yourself
or
that
you
should
think
of
yourself
as
a
lesser
person.
It
doesn't
mean
that
nobody
will
ever
love
you
anymore.
Remember
that
only
one
person
has
rejected
you
at
the
moment,
and
it
only
hurt
so
much
because
to
you,
that
person's
opinion
symbolized
the
opinion
of
the
whole
world,
of
God.
"
-
Jocelyn
Soriano
【失恋温柔的句子】
17.
"I
mean,
at
the
end
of
the
day,
what
the
hell
does
it
matter
who
end
up
with
if
it
can't
be
you?"
-
Tabitha
Suzuma
【失恋温柔的句子】
18.
"I
thought
you
would
miss
me.
"
"I
do.
"
"Then
why
didn't
you
say
anything?"
"I
didn't
think
you'd
miss
me
too.
"
-
Rainbow
Rowell
【失恋温柔的句子】
19.
"Thinking
of
you
is
a
poison
drink
often.
"
-
Atticus
【失恋温柔的句子】
20.
"I
know
am
but
summer
to
your
heart,
and
not
the
full
four
seasons
of
the
year.
"
-
Edna
St.
Vincent
Millay
【失恋温柔的句子】