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1.
“The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
the
journey,
not
just
the
destination.
”
【美在旅程而非终点。
】
2.
“Happiness
is
not
a
destination
to
reach,
but
a
state
of
mind
to
embrace.
”
【幸福并非要到达某个目的地,而是一种心态。
】
3.
“The
world
is
full
of
beauty,
just
open
your
eyes
and
see.
”
【世界充满美丽,只需张开眼睛去看。
】
4.
“Life
is
like
a
camera,
focus
on
the
good
times
and
develop
from
the
negatives.
”
【生活就像相机,关注美好回忆,从不好的事情里找到价值。
】
5.
“The
smallest
act
of
kindness
is
worth
more
than
the
grandest
intention.
”
【最微小的善举也胜于最高尚的心意。
】
6.
“Chase
your
dreams
and
the
universe
will
conspire
to
make
it
happen.
”
【追寻梦想,宇宙就会合力帮助你实现。
】
7.
“In
every
change,
in
every
falling
leaf,
there
is
some
pain,
some
beauty.
And
that’s
the
way
new
leaves
grow.
”
【每一个改变,每一片落叶里都蕴含着一些痛苦和美丽,而这正是新叶子生长的方式。
】
8.
“Hope
is
the
bird
that
sings
even
when
the
dawn
is
dark.
”
【希望就像一只鸟,在黎明时分也能歌唱。
】
9.
“Nature
always
wears
the
colors
of
the
spirit.
”
【大自然总是穿上精神的色彩。
】
10.
“The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
”
【预测未来最好的方法就是去创造它。
】
11.
“We
do
not
remember
days,
we
remember
moments.
”
【我们不会记得日子,只会记得那些刻骨铭心的瞬间。
】
12.
“Joy
is
not
in
things,
it
is
in
us.
”
【快乐不在物质,而在于我们自身。
】
13.
“Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don’t
matter.
”
【人生太短暂,不要浪费时间在无关紧要的事情上。
】
14.
“The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
to
learn
how
to
give
out
love,
and
to
let
it
come
in.
”
【人生最重要的是学会给予爱和接受爱。
】
15.
“No
matter
how
hard
the
past
is,
you
can
always
begin
again.
”
【无论过去有多艰难,你都可以重新开始。
】
16.
“Happiness
is
a
butterfly,
which
when
pursued,
is
always
beyond
your
grasp,
but
which,
if
you
will
sit
down
quietly,
may
alight
upon
you.
”
【幸福就像一只蝴蝶,若紧逐一不捉,若坐下静静等待,或可涌现于你。
】
17.
“Life
is
a
great
big
canvas,
and
you
should
throw
all
the
paint
on
it
you
can.
”
【人生如一幅巨大的画布,你应该放得尽量多的颜料。
】
18.
“Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
”
【相信自己,相信你身上还有你无法想象的力量。
】
19.
“Let
us
be
grateful
to
people
who
make
us
happy,
they
are
the
charming
gardeners
who
make
our
souls
blossom.
”
【感恩那些让我们快乐的人,他们是让我们灵魂开花的有爱心的园丁。
】
20.
“When
you
focus
on
the
good,
the
good
gets
better.
”
【当你专注于美好,美好会变得更美好。
】