.jpg)
1.
Let's
add
a
little
bit
of
spark
to
our
day
and
put
a
smile
on
our
face!
【加油啊!
】
2.
Keep
your
chin
up,
focus
on
the
positive,
and
push
forward
with
determination!
【为梦想努力吧!
】
3.
Believe
in
yourself
and
your
abilities,
for
you
are
capable
of
amazing
things!
【相信自己,成功指日可待!
】
4.
The
only
thing
standing
between
you
and
your
goals
is
the
story
you
keep
telling
yourself.
Start
rewriting
that
story
today!
【超越自我,努力向前!
】
5.
Take
a
deep
breath,
dust
yourself
off,
and
keep
moving
forward.
You've
got
this!
【心态决定成败,坚持就胜利!
】
6.
No
matter
how
hard
it
gets,
remember
that
you
are
strong
and
capable
of
overcoming
any
obstacle.
【不要放弃,撑起自己的天空!
】
7.
The
first
step
towards
achieving
your
goals
is
believing
in
yourself
and
taking
action.
So
let's
get
started!
【积极向上,去迎接挑战!
】
8.
Don't
let
setbacks
get
you
down,
for
they
are
only
temporary
roadblocks
on
your
journey
to
success.
【困难不会永远存在,坚持到达胜利的彼岸!
】
9.
Every
morning
is
a
new
opportunity
to
start
fresh
and
make
progress
towards
achieving
your
dreams.
Seize
the
day!
【新的一天,让我们更加努力,全力以赴!
】
10.
Life
is
tough,
but
so
are
you.
Keep
pushing
forward
and
never
give
up
on
your
dreams!
【生命不息,奋斗不止!
】
11.
You
have
the
power
to
make
your
dreams
a
reality.
All
you
need
is
a
little
bit
of
courage
and
determination!
【放胆追逐梦想,勇往直前!
】
12.
Remember
that
every
accomplishment
starts
with
the
decision
to
try.
So
don't
be
afraid
to
take
that
first
step!
【行动起来,勇闯天涯!
】
13.
little
bit
of
progress
each
day
adds
up
to
big
results.
So
keep
working
hard
and
stay
focused
on
your
goals!
【每天进步一点点,追求更好的自己!
】
14.
Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back,
for
it's
only
an
illusion
that
prevents
you
from
achieving
your
dreams.
【勇敢面对恐惧,你就是成功的开端!
】
15.
The
road
to
success
is
never
easy,
but
with
hard
work,
dedication,
and
perseverance,
you
can
make
it
happen!
【坚持不懈,终见成功!
】
16.
The
path
to
greatness
is
filled
with
challenges,
but
each
obstacle
you
overcome
makes
you
stronger
and
more
resilient.
【奋斗不止,成就未来!
】
17.
Don't
let
the
fear
of
failure
stop
you
from
pursuing
your
dreams.
Embrace
your
mistakes
and
learn
from
them.
【勇于尝试,不畏失败,迎接自信的未来!
】
18.
Today
is
your
opportunity
to
build
the
tomorrow
you
want.
So
don't
waste
a
single
moment
and
go
after
your
dreams!
【积极进取,创造美好未来!
】
19.
Believe
in
yourself,
stay
focused
on
your
goals,
and
never
give
up.
Greatness
awaits
you!
【不抛弃,不放弃,成功必将降临!
】
20.
Life
is
an
adventure,
and
each
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
explore,
learn,
and
grow.
So
let's
keep
pushing
forward
and
enjoy
the
journey!
【愿勇敢的你,向前追逐无限可能!
】