.jpg)
1.
"I
have
a
t-shirt
that
says
'sarcasm
is
my
love
language'
and
wear
it
on
game
nights
with
my
in-laws.
"
】
2.
"My
dad's
idea
of
spicing
up
dinner
is
adding
pepper,
my
mom's
idea
is
adding
a
different
spice
every
night
for
a
week.
"
】
3.
"If
it
weren't
for
my
best
friend,
I'd
have
to
rely
solely
on
my
dog
for
intelligent
conversation.
"
】
4.
"The
only
way
to
survive
a
Monday
is
with
a
gallon
of
coffee
and
a
sense
of
humor.
"
】
5.
"I
once
told
my
doctor
that
was
allergic
to
exercise,
he
said
that
was
the
most
creative
excuse
he'd
heard
yet.
"
】
6.
"I
consider
my
ability
to
find
a
parking
spot
at
the
mall
during
the
Christmas
rush
a
true
talent.
"
】
7.
"My
coworker
is
convinced
that
the
office
thermostat
is
controlled
by
a
secret
government
agency.
"
】
8.
"My
grandma
always
said
the
secret
to
a
long
and
happy
marriage
was
separate
blankets.
"
】
9.
"The
only
thing
that
gets
me
through
a
family
gathering
is
the
idea
that
at
least
we'll
have
good
leftovers.
"
】
10.
"If
you
can't
laugh
at
yourself,
I'll
gladly
do
it
for
you.
"
】
11.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
well-timed
dad
joke.
"
】
12.
"My
mom
never
warned
me
that
adulting
is
just
trying
to
keep
all
your
plants
alive
and
paying
bills.
"
】
13.
"I
once
went
to
a
dentist
who
said
he
was
a
magician,
needless
to
say
never
went
back.
"
】
14.
"I
proposed
to
my
wife
with
a
ring
pop,
it
was
the
only
way
to
guarantee
she
wouldn't
say
no.
"
】
15.
"My
favorite
recipe
is
called
'order
in
and
pretend
you
cooked
it
yourself'.
"
】
16.
"I'm
not
saying
my
coworkers
are
crazy,
but
they
do
have
a
designated
'quiet
room'
for
when
things
get
too
stressful.
"
】
17.
"The
key
to
my
heart
is
a
good
pun
and
a
warm
slice
of
pizza.
"
】
18.
"I
once
asked
a
waiter
what
was
gluten-free
on
the
menu
and
he
told
me
'the
water'.
"
】
19.
"I
tried
to
give
up
sarcasm
for
Lent,
but
who
am
kidding,
need
it
to
survive.
"
】
20.
"My
idea
of
a
perfect
day
is
one
where
can
stay
in
my
pajamas
and
binge-watch
Netflix
without
guilt.
"
】