.jpg)
1.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
are
not
the
end;
it
simply
means
I'll
miss
you
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#goodbye】
2.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
that
shall
say
good
night
till
it
be
morrow.
"
【#parting】
3.
"Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
anything.
It's
the
time
we
spent
together
that
matters,
not
how
we
left
it.
"
【#time】
4.
"You
and
will
meet
again,
When
we're
least
expecting
it,
One
day
in
some
far-off
place,
will
recognize
your
face,
won't
say
goodbye
my
friend,
For
you
and
will
meet
again.
"
【#meetagain】
5.
"I
didn't
realize
that
saying
goodbye
would
be
the
hardest
thing
ever
had
to
do.
"
【#hard】
6.
"I
would
rather
say
goodbye
to
you
a
thousand
times,
than
never
have
met
you
at
all.
"
【#rather】
7.
"Nothing
makes
the
earth
seem
so
spacious
as
to
have
friends
at
a
distance;
they
make
the
latitudes
and
longitudes.
"
【#friends】
8.
"Why
does
it
take
a
minute
to
say
hello
and
forever
to
say
goodbye?"
【#forever】
9.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
are
not
the
end;
it
simply
means
I'll
miss
you
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#missyou】
10.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
if
you
fall
in
love
with
the
journey,
you
will
be
in
love
forever.
"
【#journey】
11.
"Don't
say
goodbye,
just
see
you
again
soon.
"
【#seeyousoon】
12.
"It's
always
difficult
to
say
goodbye,
especially
with
the
uncertainty
of
when
you'll
see
that
person
again.
"
【#difficult】
13.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
that
shall
say
good
night
till
it
be
morrow.
"
【#sweet】
14.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
are
not
the
end;
it
simply
means
I'll
miss
you
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#until】
15.
"You
and
will
meet
again,
When
we're
least
expecting
it,
One
day
in
some
far-off
place,
will
recognize
your
face,
won't
say
goodbye
my
friend,
For
you
and
will
meet
again.
"
【#friend】
16.
"Why
does
it
hurt
so
much
to
say
goodbye?
Perhaps
because
we
never
truly
get
over
the
people
we
have
loved
and
lost.
"
【#hurt】
17.
"True
friends
don't
say
goodbye,
they
just
take
extended
leaves
of
absences
from
each
other.
"
【#truefriends】
18.
"It's
not
the
goodbyes
that
hurt,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【#flashbacks】
19.
"Say
goodbye
to
the
past,
hello
to
the
future;
you
never
know
when
you'll
meet
again.
"
【#future】
20.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
are
not
the
end;
it
simply
means
I'll
miss
you
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#meetagain】