.jpg)
1.
"The
pages
of
my
life
are
filled
with
tears
and
heartache.
"
【#heartbreaking】
2.
"A
good
book
is
like
a
friend,
but
a
sad
book
is
like
a
therapist.
"
【#booksarefriends】
3.
"Sometimes
the
only
comfort
you
can
find
is
in
between
the
pages
of
a
book.
"
【#solace】
4.
"The
words
on
these
pages
speak
the
pain
in
my
heart
louder
than
any
spoken
word
could.
"
【#expression】
5.
"Books
have
the
power
to
transport
us
to
another
world,
but
sometimes
that
world
is
just
as
dark
as
our
own.
"
【#escapism】
6.
"Tears
on
pages
can
mean
healing
in
the
heart.
"
【#cryingisokay】
7.
"The
saddest
stories
are
the
ones
that
are
true.
"
【#reallife】
8.
"I
found
myself
lost
in
the
pages
of
a
book,
and
never
wanted
to
be
found.
"
【#bookworm】
9.
"Sorrowful
words
on
paper
can
bring
empathy
and
understanding
to
those
who
read
them.
"
【#empathy】
10.
"The
memories
of
love
found
and
lost
are
forever
etched
on
the
pages
of
my
heart.
"
【#heartache】
11.
"In
the
pages
of
a
book,
found
a
reflection
of
my
own
pain
and
the
knowledge
that
am
not
alone.
"
【#connection】
12.
"The
endings
of
books
may
not
always
be
happy,
but
they
can
offer
a
glimpse
of
hope.
"
【#hope】
13.
"The
grief
in
my
heart
spilled
over
onto
the
pages
of
my
journal,
leaving
stains
of
sadness
and
regret.
"
【#journaling】
14.
"The
pain
of
losing
someone
you
love
can
be
so
overwhelming,
it
feels
like
every
book
ever
written
could
not
contain
it
all.
"
【#loss】
15.
"The
wisdom
held
in
the
pages
of
a
book
can
bring
a
sense
of
peace
even
in
the
midst
of
turmoil.
"
【#wisdom】
16.
"Books
have
been
my
solace
in
the
darkest
of
times,
offering
a
refuge
from
the
storms
raging
within
me.
"
【#refuge】
17.
"The
ink
on
the
pages
of
a
book
will
fade
with
time,
but
the
emotions
it
stirs
within
us
can
last
a
lifetime.
"
【#nostalgia】
18.
"There
is
a
beauty
in
sad
stories,
a
rawness
that
touches
something
deep
within
us.
"
【#beautyinsadness】
19.
"When
words
fail
me,
turn
to
the
pages
of
books
to
put
into
words
what
cannot
express.
"
【#expressyourself】
20.
"The
pages
of
my
life
are
filled
with
triumphs
and
tragedies,
but
the
stories
that
have
touched
me
the
most
are
those
that
made
me
weep.
"
【#triumphsandtragedies】