.jpg)
1.
Sometimes,
a
gentle
word
can
heal
wounds
that
medicine
cannot.
【温柔的话语有时能治愈医药无法治愈的伤口。
】
2.
Show
kindness
to
those
who
are
hurting,
for
your
gentle
words
may
be
a
ray
of
hope
in
their
darkness.
【对那些受伤的人要表现出善良,因为你的温柔话语可能是他们黑暗中的一线希望。
】
3.
The
world
needs
more
gentle
souls
who
can
nurture
the
wounded
hearts
and
lift
up
broken
spirits.
【这个世界需要更多温柔的灵魂,能够滋养那些受伤的心灵,振奋破碎的精神。
】
4.
Speak
softly
and
gently,
for
your
words
have
the
power
to
soothe
and
calm
even
the
most
troubled
souls.
【说话要轻声细语,因为你的话语有力量能安抚最烦恼的心灵。
】
5.
Be
gentle
with
yourself,
for
you
are
a
precious
and
valuable
creation
of
the
universe.
【善待自己,因为你是宇宙珍贵的、有价值的创造物。
】
6.
Let
your
kindness
and
gentleness
be
contagious,
spreading
love
and
warmth
to
everyone
around
you.
【让你的善良和温柔具有传染性,将爱和温暖传递给你身边的每个人。
】
7.
Practice
empathy
and
understanding,
for
these
are
the
building
blocks
of
a
gentle
and
compassionate
heart.
【学会共情和理解,因为这是拥有温柔和富有同情心的基石。
】
8.
gentle
touch,
a
soft
smile,
a
warm
embrace
-
sometimes,
the
simplest
gestures
can
have
the
greatest
impact.
【轻柔的触碰、温馨的微笑、温暖的拥抱——有时候,最简单的举动能产生最大的影响。
】
9.
Let
go
of
anger
and
resentment,
and
replace
them
with
love
and
compassion.
Your
gentle
heart
will
thank
you
for
it.
【放下愤怒和怨恨,用爱和同情代替它们。
你的柔软的心灵会感激你的。
】
10.
The
power
of
a
gentle
heart
is
immeasurable,
able
to
heal
wounds,
mend
shattered
spirits,
and
bring
people
together.
【柔和的心脏的力量是不可估量的,能治愈伤口、修复破碎的灵魂,将人们聚集在一起。
】
11.
Love
deeply,
speak
kind
words,
and
live
with
a
gentle
heart
-
this
is
the
recipe
for
a
fulfilling
and
meaningful
life.
【深爱,说善良的话,拥有柔和的心灵——这是充实和有意义的生活的配方。
】
12.
The
world
can
be
a
rough
and
harsh
place,
but
a
gentle
heart
can
transform
it
into
a
more
beautiful
and
peaceful
one.
【这个世界可能是一个粗暴和残酷的地方,但柔和的心脏可以把它变成一个更美丽和和平的地方。
】
13.
Communication
is
key,
and
speaking
gently
can
unlock
doors
that
have
been
closed
for
far
too
long.
【沟通是关键,而轻柔的说话可以打开长时间关闭的门。
】
14.
Listen
with
your
heart,
and
respond
with
gentle
words
-
this
is
the
secret
to
building
deep
and
meaningful
connections
with
others.
【用你的心倾听,用柔和的言语回应——这是建立深刻和有意义的与他人联系的秘密。
】
15.
Let
your
actions
be
guided
by
kindness
and
compassion,
and
watch
as
your
gentle
touch
transforms
lives.
【让你的行动受善良和同情心的指引,看着你温柔的触碰改变生命。
】
16.
There
is
strength
in
gentleness,
and
it
takes
courage
to
be
kind
in
a
world
that
can
often
be
cruel.
【在温柔中有力量,在这个世界上有时候粗鲁的地方,要善良需要勇气。
】
17.
Practice
forgiveness,
and
speak
words
of
reconciliation
and
unity.
Your
gentle
heart
can
mend
even
the
deepest
of
wounds.
【练习宽恕,说出调和和团结的话。
你柔和的心可以治愈最深的伤口。
】
18.
gentle
word
can
change
a
person's
entire
day,
so
choose
your
words
wisely.
【一句温柔的话可以改变一个人的整个一天,所以选择你的话语明智。
】
19.
Treat
all
living
beings
with
kindness
and
respect,
for
this
is
the
true
mark
of
a
gentle
and
compassionate
soul.
【对待所有生命都要以善良和尊重为准则,因为这是一个柔和而富有同情心的灵魂真正的标志。
】
20.
In
a
world
that
can
be
hard
and
cold,
let
your
gentle
heart
be
a
light
that
shines
bright,
warming
the
hearts
of
those
around
you.
【在这个坚苦和冷酷的世界里,让你柔和的心成为一盏明亮的灯,温暖你周围的人的心灵。
】