.jpg)
1.
“Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter”
【时间的价值】
2.
“Every
second
counts,
make
the
most
of
them”
【时间的有效利用】
3.
“Don't
let
time
slip
away,
seize
the
day”
【珍惜时间】
4.
“Time
is
a
precious
gift,
use
it
wisely”
【时间是最宝贵的礼物】
5.
“A
day
wasted
is
a
day
lost,
make
every
moment
count”
【珍惜每一天】
6.
“The
clock
is
ticking,
don't
waste
a
single
moment”
【时不我待,珍惜每一刻】
7.
“Time
waits
for
no
one,
so
make
the
most
of
it”
【时间不等人,抓住它】
8.
“Yesterday
is
gone,
tomorrow
is
not
promised,
today
is
a
gift,
that's
why
it's
called
present”
【今天是礼物,要好好地利用它】
9.
“Time
is
the
one
thing
we
can
never
get
back,
so
use
it
wisely”
【时间是永远无法挽回的,所以要珍惜它】
10.
“Make
every
moment
count,
because
you
never
know
which
one
will
be
your
last”
【珍惜每一刻,因为你不知道哪个是最后的】
11.
“Time
is
a
valuable
commodity,
don't
squander
it”
【时间是一种宝贵的财富,不要浪费它】
12.
“Life
is
short,
but
it's
up
to
us
to
make
it
meaningful”
【生命虽短暂,但我们可以让它有意义】
13.
“Time
is
a
currency,
spend
it
wisely”
【时间是一种货币,要明智地运用】
14.
“Time
is
a
non-renewable
resource,
use
it
carefully”
【时间是一种不可再生的资源,要小心使用】
15.
“The
clock
is
always
ticking,
so
make
every
moment
count”
【时钟总是在滴答作响,所以要珍惜每一刻】
16.
“The
key
to
success
is
time
management”
【成功的关键是时间管理】
17.
“Time
is
the
most
important
asset
we
have,
don't
waste
it”
【时间是我们最重要的资产,不要浪费它】
18.
“Time
is
a
precious
commodity,
don't
take
it
for
granted”
【时间是一种宝贵的财富,不要视为理所当然】
19.
“The
future
is
made
up
of
what
we
do
today,
so
make
every
moment
count”
【未来由我们今天所做的构成,所以要珍惜每一刻】
20.
“Time
flies,
but
memories
last
forever”
【时光飞逝,但回忆却永存】