.jpg)
1.
"May
our
friendship
continue
to
blossom
like
the
flowers
in
spring.
"
【永远相遇,好友常在】
2.
"As
we
part
ways,
let
us
cherish
the
memories
we've
made
and
look
forward
to
making
more.
"
【珍藏每一刻,愿未来更精彩】
3.
"Friendship
isn't
about
how
often
we
meet,
it's
about
the
connections
we
make
when
we
do.
"
【不在时间上算计,只因相聚的感悟】
4.
"Thank
you
for
a
wonderful
evening
filled
with
laughter
and
good
company.
"
【谢谢今晚的欢笑,好友可贵】
5.
"Let
us
not
say
goodbye,
but
rather,
until
we
meet
again.
"
【别说再见,只留相约重逢】
6.
"Sharing
moments
with
true
friends
is
what
makes
life
worth
living.
"
【与真友分享,让生命更有价值】
7.
"A
good
friend
is
like
a
warm
hug
that
soothes
the
soul.
"
【好友如温暖拥抱,抚慰人心灵】
8.
"Friendship
is
a
journey
that
leads
to
a
lifetime
of
memories.
"
【友谊之旅,越走越有不同风景】
9.
"Distance
may
separate
us,
but
it
can
never
diminish
the
bond
we
share
as
friends.
"
【距离隔绝,情谊不减】
10.
"To
have
a
friend
like
you
is
a
precious
gift
that
am
grateful
for
every
day.
"
【能有好友如你,我感恩不尽】
11.
"Let
us
always
remember
the
joy
we
shared
tonight
and
hold
it
close
to
our
hearts.
"
【记得今晚欢愉,常藏心间】
12.
"True
friends
are
the
ones
who
are
there
for
us
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【知己如一,知音难求】
13.
"May
our
paths
cross
again
soon,
my
dear
friend.
"
【期待与你再次相聚】
14.
"The
beauty
of
friendship
lies
in
the
simple
moments
we
share
together.
"
【友谊的美丽,藏于简单的相处时光中】
15.
"Goodbyes
are
hard,
but
they
remind
us
how
lucky
we
are
to
have
friends
worth
missing.
"
【聚散难别,想念亲友的温暖】
16.
"Here's
to
a
night
we'll
never
forget
and
a
friendship
we'll
always
cherish.
"
【今晚难忘,友情常存】
17.
"Friendship
is
the
sweetest
fruit
of
life's
garden.
"
【友情是人生花园中最甜美的果实】
18.
"Let
us
always
keep
in
touch,
no
matter
where
life
takes
us.
"
【保持联络,不分彼此】
19.
"The
best
part
of
any
gathering
is
the
company
of
good
friends.
"
【有友相聚,胜过千金】
20.
"Thank
you
for
being
a
friend
who
brings
light
into
my
world.
"
【谢谢你,为我的世界带来了光明和温暖】