taste英 [teɪst]美 [test]
in taste得体的,大方的;高雅的,有礼的
taste for对…的喜爱;对…的爱好
bad taste低级趣味,粗俗;坏品味
have a taste for爱好;对…有兴趣
Can you taste pepper in the pudding?
Please taste this to see if you like it.
This cake is made with ten eggs, which give it a rich taste.
〖One〗、This fine grain, coarse run stomach.精粮合口味,粗粮润肠胃。
〖Two〗、Hot chili peppers, and food to help digestion.辣椒尖又辣,增食助消化。
〖Three〗、Bean curd with kelp, often eat in addition to disease.豆腐配海带,常吃除病害。
〖Four〗、diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。
〖Five〗、leave off with an appetite.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。
〖Six〗、Compared to found a new star, found a new dishes have more benefits for the happiness of mankind.与发现一颗新星相比,发现一款新菜肴对于人类的幸福更有好处。
生活类型:诗歌生活太淡加点盐浓缩思念思念太苦加点糖调淡涩涩的人生人生太乏加点辣提提精神精神太困加点禅意静泊心池 Life&e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa631333239303761nbsp; Type: Poetry too light of life add some salt concentration miss思念so bitter Jiadian Tang notes life light Sese Life is too lacking add a little spicy refresh the spirit of spirit of the storm is too add a little Zen Xin Jing Park Pool 5生活里不能没有诗歌无论怎么浏览怎么涉猎我的眼睛里没有了诗歌茶坊酒肆无人问津靓女俊男无人吟哦就这么荒芜和萧瑟我没有了诗歌无论怎么求索怎么开拓我的田野里没有了诗歌机遇不肯垂青于我灵感也不肯光临寒舍就这样无知和空白我没有了诗歌我没有了诗歌于是我不再快乐其实我没有了快乐不等于我没有了诗歌不等于我堕入了世俗和麻木永别了火热的生活有爱我的人和我爱的人时刻在关注并嘱托好好活着好好活着诗歌并不拒绝繁琐柴米油盐浸润着你的心坎唐诗宋词滋养着你的心窝你享受着人间烟火却又怅望着灿烂星河你磨砺着粗鄙的思想却又凝视着诗情脉脉好好活着好好读着温馨的生活不能萎缩好好读着好好想着平凡的生活需要你点燃诗歌 5 life can not live without poetry how no matter how browsing studied under my eyes there is no poetry Tea House Jiusi no one is interested boys& girls, Toshio no Yine on such a barren and desolate I do not have a poetry how to open up no matter how hard quest my field where there is no poetry opportunity to refuse to tend to I refuse to visit my house for inspiration In this way ignorance and gaps in I do not have a poetry I do not have a poetry So I am not happy In fact, I do not have a happy does not mean that I do not have a poetry does not mean that I have fallen into a secular and numbness A Farewell to fiery life of there is love my people and I love people always paying attention, and entrustment Live well live well poetry does not reject burdensome rice and salt soak into your heart poetry nourished your Xinwo You enjoy the human pyrotechnics brilliant but Chang Wang Xing You sharpen the vulgar idea but staring poetic tenderness good living a good reading warm life can not be shrunk good reading a good thought ordinary life requires you to ignite Poetry。
句点也可以用于英文单词的缩写。如:Mrs.| Dr.| P.S.等。但要注意的是当缩写
的字母形成了一个单词的时候就不要使用句点。如:IBM, DNA等。
如:How will you solve the problem?是正确的用法,但用在I wonder how you
will solve the problem?就不对了,应该使用句点而不是问号。
如:Will you please give me a call tomorrow.
点更显出子句之间的紧密联系,另外分号也经常与连接副词 thus, however,
如:I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about
如:The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and
错:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.
对:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.
It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.
It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.
They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.
It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.
As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.
错:The essay is poorly anized, there is no central idea.
对:The essay is poorly anized; there is no central idea.
The essay is poorly anized: there is no central idea.
冒号用于对后面内容的介绍或解释。如:This is her plan: go shopping.
We transferred three employees tonew branches:
当名单横排的时候,冒号要用在一个完整的句子之后。如:We need seven people:
three students, three engineers, and a professor.
如:The professor said:“It was horrible.”
如:Dear Mr. Lee美国英语中,信件或演说词的称呼语之后用冒号,而在英国英语中
如:Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data
通常有两大类,常见格式如下:〖One〗、……, one of the renowned writers in…, once said that……According to…, one of the renowned writers in…,…….According to Francis Bacon, a renowned British writer and philosopher,"Money is a good servant and a bad master."〖Two〗、There goes a saying that….As a saying goes,….As a proverb says,….There goes a saying that he knows most who speaks least.As a proverb says, he laughs best who laughs last.备注:第一类最为正式,有名有姓还可说明其身份或主业所在,常见于引用当下或当代的名人;第二类适用于古代的尤其是记不住名字的名人,更常见于引用谚语、公理或俗语。
在英语作文中,引用名人名言时,名人名字可写可不写,有些谚语本身也没有具体的作者,表达方式多样,如Sb. once said,"......."A proverb says,"......."As the sayting goes,"......"还有其他一些不常用的句式,也罗列如下1) One of the great scientists/poets,(这里可加上人名), once remarked…最伟大的科学家/诗人之一曾经说过,…2)“Genius is o percent inspiration and niy-eight percent perspiration” is the opinion held by Edison. This remark has been confirmed time and again by more and more people.“天才是百分之二的灵感,百分之九十八的汗水”是爱迪生的观点,而且反复被越来越多的人所证实。
3) Many years ago, a great philosopher said that…许多年以前,一位伟大的哲学家说过…4) There is an English proverb which says that“Easily e easily go”.有一个英语谚语说“来得容易,去得也容易。
”5) There is an old saying,“Practice makes progress.” It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.古语道:“熟能生巧”。
6) As a popular saying goes…正像一句流行话所说的那样…7) One of the great writers said,...一位伟大的作家曾说过名言和正常句子一样,句子首字母大写即可。
而在其基础知识的系统概念中,包含着下列不可回避的基本内容: 1.单词 2.词组 3.句型 4.时态 5.习惯以上五项基础知识中,又以第五项“英语习惯用语”最易被学习者所忽略。
1. Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。
2. There is no fire without*** oke.无风不起浪。
3. No pain,no gain.不劳动,不得食。
4. Never put all eggs into one basket.不要将所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。
5. Every road leads to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
6. Catch the hare,then cook it.趁热打铁。
7. Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于雄辩。
8. Each dog has its day.每人都有出头那一天。
9. Every bean has its black.每个人都有缺点。
10.A penny saved is a pennyearned.积少成多。
11.Never do things by halves.不要半途而废。
12.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难才能真朋友。
13.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.一个人可以被消灭但不能被打跨。
14.Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。
15.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.有智者,事能成。
16.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
17.Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.最坏的准备,比较好的希望。
18.Kill o birds with one stone.一石二鸟。
19.Make a long story short.长话短说。
20.Big mouth!多嘴!21.God works!上帝的安排!22.It's a long story.一言难尽23.Watch your mouth.注意言辞。
24.A thousand times no.绝对办不到。
25.It is not a big deal.没什么了不起的。
26.Don't take ill of me.别生我的气。
27.A fall in the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。
28.An apple a day,keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,医生不找我。
29.A young idler,an old beggar.少小不努力,老大徒伤悲。
30.Behind the mountains,there are people to be found.山外有山,天外有天。
31.Bad luck often brings a good one.塞翁失马,安知非福。
32.Don't try to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。
33.East or west,home is the best.金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。
34.One is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。
35.One swallow cannot make a summer.一支独秀不是春。
36.Rome was not built up in a day.罗马非一日建成。
37.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。
38.You cannot burn the candle at both ends.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。
如:How will you solve the problem?是正确的用法,但用在I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不对了,应该使用句点而不是问号。
如:Will you please give me a call tomorrow.感叹号用于感叹和惊叹的陈述中,在商业写作中要注意感叹号的应用,因为不恰当的使用会显得突兀及不稳重。
在某些情况下,使用分号比使用句点更显出子句之间的紧密联系,另外分号也经常与连接副词 thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在这些词语之前)。
如:I realize I need exercise; however, I'll lie down first to think about it. 2.在句子中如果已经使用过逗点,为了避免歧义的产生,就用分号来分隔相似的内容。
如:The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.需要注意的是:一个完整的句子以大写字母开始,以句点结束。
请比较下列例句:错:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.(上面句子中划横线的部分是两个不同的主语,而且逗点前后的句子是完整的-----单独拿出来都能代表一个完整的意思。
)对:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields. It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields. It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields. They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard. It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields. As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.错:The essay is poorly anized, there is no central idea.对:The essay is poorly anized; there is no central idea. The essay is poorly anized: there is no central idea.冒号用于对后面内容的介绍或解释。
如:This is her plan: go shopping.冒号用于名单之前,特别是一个竖排的名单。
We transferred three employees tonew branches: Tony Wang to New York City Mike Jackson to Tokyo Mark Foster to Paris当名单横排的时候,冒号要用在一个完整的句子之后。
如:We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.冒号用于一个正式的引用之前。
如:The professor said:“It was horrible.”冒号也可用于商业或正式信函的称谓后面。
如:Dear Mr. Lee美国英语中,信件或演说词的称呼语之后用冒号,而在英国英语中多用逗号。
如:16:45或 4:45 p.m.冒号用于主标题和副标题之间。
如:Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data
28. East or west, home is the best.金窝银窝不如自家草窝。
29. A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit。
15. Look before you leap.三思而后行。
19. It is hard to please all.众口难调。
11. More hasty, less speed.欲速则不达。
14. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, half done.好的开始等于成功的一半.Facts speak plainer than words.事实胜于雄辩。
22. It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.有志者事竟成,out of mind。
26. Live not to eat.Every coin has o sides.事物都有两面性。
6.千里之行始于足下. Well begun, but eat to live.活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着. Slow and steady wins the race.稳扎稳打无往而不胜.君子在德不在衣。
21. All that glitters is not gold.闪闪发光物.无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。
24. Ill news travels fast,未必尽金子。
27. Action speaks louder than words。
9. One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬之千里.颠倒黑白。
12. It's never too old to learn.说起来容易做起来难。
4. Where there is a will.伟业非一日之功。
10. Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情. Out of sight。
16. Rome was not built in a day。
23. First things first.凡事有轻重缓急.吃一堑,长一智。
8. Experience is the mother of wisdom.实践出真知, there is a way.坏事传千里。
251. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
2. God helps those who help themselves.行动胜过语言. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
18. Call back white and white back. Beauty will buy no beef.漂亮不能当饭吃.天助自助者。
英语名人名言 What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would*** ell as sweet.名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。
——Shakespeare There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.崇高与荒谬仅一步之遥。
——Napoleon Even when the experts all agree, they may well be mistaken.即使所有的专家都一致赞同,他们可能也错了。
——Bertrand Russell Sometimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a plete rest.有时候你能做的最紧急重要的事情就是彻底休息。
——Ashleigh Brilliant Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.滴滴小水珠,颗颗小沙粒,会形成浩瀚的海洋与宜人的土地。
——Julia Carney Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.即使是最疲惫的河流,历经曲折,也终会安然入海。
——Swinburne The history of mankind is the history of ideas.人类的历史就是思想的历史。
——Ludwig Von Mises To believe with certainty,we must begin with doubting.要完全相信,我们首先得怀疑。
——Stanislaus Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you get rid of him on the weekends.给他一条鱼,你可以喂他一天;教他钓鱼,他周末就不会再来缠你了。
——Gary Apple True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be ignorant.真正的科学首先教人怀疑和知道自己无知。
——Miguel de Unamuno Truth has no special time of it's own. Its hour is now always.真理没有自己特定的时间段。
——A.Schweitzer Growing old is not upsetting; being perceived as old is.越来越老并不可怕,可怕的是让人觉得越来越老。
——Kenny Rogers Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.如果没有了图书馆,我们还有什么呢?我们没有了过去也没有了未来。
——Kay Bradbury Scientific knowledge aims at being wholly impersonal.科学知识要求完全不受个人感情的影响。
——Bertrand Russell Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.生活中没有可怕的东西,只有应去了解的东西。
——Marie Curie Truth is beautiful. Withoutdoubt; and so are lies.真理是美的;毫无疑问,谎言也是如此。
——Emerson.Nature never deceives us; it is always us who deceive ourselves.大自然永远不会欺骗我们,欺骗我们的往往是我们自己。
——Rousseau You can never plan the future by the past.永远也不能依照过去来计划将来。
——Burke Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell.时间是个多才多艺的表演者。
——Franklin P.Jones The first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of nature.在所有头脑的影响之中,大自然的影响可谓是在时间上最先,在作用上最为重要的——Emerson Death…is no more than passing from one room into another.死亡只不过是从一个房间进入另一个房间。
——Helen Keller Important principles may and must be flexible.重要的原则能够也必须是灵活的。
——Abraham Lincoln That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to the pertinent answer.科学的本质是:问一个不恰当的问题,于是走上了通往恰当答案的路。
——Jacob Bronowski The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may bee robots.在过去人们面临的危险是变成奴隶,而在将来危险是人类可能变成机器人。
——Erich Fromm Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.知识是一宝库,而实践就是开启宝库大门的钥匙。
——Fuller The Golden Rule is that there are no golden rules.真正的金科玉律就是世上并无金科玉律。
——G.B.Shaw The lover of nature is he whose inward and ouard senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.热爱大自然的人内外感觉协调一致,即使进入成年后依然保持着童心。
——Emerson Ten men banded together in love can do what ten thousand separately would fail in.以爱心聚在一起的十个人能够完成一万个分散的人做不到的事情。
——Thomas Carlyle Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts.想象不应脱离现实。
——A.N. Whitehead There are o sides to every story... at least.每个故事都可以从两个方面看,至少两个方面。
——Ann Landers Today is not yesterday. We ourselves change. How then can our works and thoughts, if they are always to be fittest, continue always the same?今天不同于昨天。
那么,我们的著作和思想,如果想永远不过时,怎么能始终不改变呢?——Thomas Carlyle Love alone can release the power of the atom so it will work for man and not against him.只有爱才能使原子的力量造福人类...
Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back.
Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back.
If my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything.
If you look for it, love actually is all around.
If you've found your Mr. Right,you've done major right things in your life.
I'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay.
No matter hoething, it is essential that.
〖Eight〗、Recently, the problem of has aroused people's concern.
〖Nine〗、The best way to solve the troubles is.
〖Ten〗、No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that.
1. A secret makes a en happiness——在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。
17. If I see you next to never,hoorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today——我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。
19. pain is a part of growth.——疼痛是成长的一部分。
20. However long the night, the dawn will break.
21. I do not believe in fate, I believe both hands to fight
22. Either tolerate or be cruel.要么忍,要么残忍。
23. Waiting for your concern, until I shut the Heart
24. you are always my baby听到海的声音。
25. You are always there for me.当我需要你时你永远在那里。
26. If you are brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。
27. I'm fine, thanks for not asking.我很好。谢谢你的忽略。
28. I never want to be without you。
29.深爱也已是今非昔比≈Say goodbye
30. Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。
1. Wayward finally, who will pay for me!
2.形同陌路变成自找。 Strangers into a self-inflicted.
3. ChenTian Christine你若爱看雪.我便爱看雪。
4. precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。
5. In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。
6. Often hit has never been hit。(经常被打击,从未被打到)
7. Tell yourself everyday: I am really great.每天都告诉自己:我真的很不错!
8. you will be ok。太多的情绪,没适当的表情。
9. My dad My hero我的爸爸我的英雄
10. Memories of the clear smile.(回忆里清澈的笑容)
11. No one should be sad for him and then I went to(没有谁值得我去再为他伤心)
12. I want to be with you.若相惜永不弃。
13. There is no reason to love a person没有理由的爱一个人
14. I need a boy frined.简单的一句话说出了我的心声。
15. Can the lonely take the place of you寂寞是否能代替你
16.回忆,还是那么那么的清晰,I want you,I need you
17.所有的一切从 I do not believe you的那一秒开始就全部瓦解
18. You are the one I want to grow old with.我愿与你白头到头
19. If I know what love is, it is because of you.如果我知道了爱情的含义,那一定是因为你。
20. Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
21. Wealth is best known by want.人穷方知钱可贵。
22. Nothing can stop I love you。没有什么可以阻止我爱你。
23. C. Go with you in this life(这辈子和你一起走)
24. In a world of survival of the fittest
But I have missed you forever.
Your eyes, like beautiful flofort e people, I do not care about, but it is more important than anyone else.
Your eyes, like beautiful flofort e people, I do not care about, but it is more important than anyone else.
If there is beauty in the heart, everyetimes hot and sometimes cold, finally caught you caught breaking.
And then the beautiful floe time to take not to e people love a thousand but nothing came, some people stay silent but spend a hundred years.
Everything is bearish, there is no, no, dont expect, dont envy.
There is no entanglement, just simple, I am your little e things seem to be lost can not be found, just as some people.
Laugh, actually can hide many emotions, such as your heart deficiency, such as its my hope.
Some things can only be said to myself, there are some things that only you can really understand.
Sometimes, hit head broken and bleeding etimes I wonder, will there be a person in fear of losing me.
Sometimes, we have to close our mouth, put down our pride, admit that we are wrong, this is not to admit defeat, but to grow up.
Since the choice of the distance, they only trials and hardships; since the goal is the horizon, leaving only the back of the world.
My feeling is that the teacher, the teacher took us to swim in the title, the results of the teacher ashore, the students drowned.