1.
Sometimes
the
heart
knows
what
the
mind
can’t
explain.
【心灵深处有些感觉无法言述】
2.
It’s
hard
to
explain
what
feel,
but
know
it’s
real.
【难以表达的感受,但我知道真实存在】
3.
Being
vulnerable
is
brave,
not
weak.
【敢于表现脆弱是勇敢的表现,而非软弱】
4.
The
more
learn
about
myself,
the
more
realize
how
much
still
have
to
learn.
【认识自己的同时也发现,我还有很多需要学习的地方】
5.
Sometimes
the
greatest
love
we
can
give
is
to
ourselves.
【有时候,最重要的爱是献给自己的】
6.
Accepting
imperfection
is
the
key
to
happiness.
【接受不完美是实现幸福的关键】
7.
The
best
person
you
can
be
is
yourself.
【最好的自己,就是和自己一起过日子】
8.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
on
things
that
don’t
matter.
【生命太短暂,不该浪费在价值不高的事情上】
9.
Sometimes
it’s
easier
to
pretend
everything
is
okay
than
to
face
reality.
【有时候,假装一切都好比面对现实更容易一些】
10.
The
only
way
to
find
peace
is
to
let
go
of
the
things
that
no
longer
serve
you.
【寻求平静的唯一途径是放下那些已不再适合你的事情】
11.
Taking
time
for
yourself
is
not
selfish,
it’s
necessary.
【为自己留出时间并非自私,而是必要的】
12.
There’s
beauty
in
the
struggle,
if
we
can
learn
to
embrace
it.
【在挣扎之中存在美丽的事物,如果我们学会拥抱它的话】
13.
Sometimes
the
answer
we’re
looking
for
is
right
in
front
of
us.
【有时候,寻找答案的方法就在我们面前】
14.
Being
kind
to
yourself
is
just
as
important
as
being
kind
to
others.
【善待自己和善待别人同样重要】
15.
The
only
way
to
truly
heal
is
to
confront
your
pain.
【唯一实现愈合的方式是直面内心的痛苦】
16.
The
past
can’t
be
changed,
but
the
future
is
still
in
our
hands.
【过去不可改变,但未来还在我们的掌控范畴内】
17.
Loving
someone
means
accepting
them
for
who
they
truly
are.
【爱一个人意味着接受他们真实的自我】
18.
Sometimes
it
takes
making
mistakes
to
learn
valuable
lessons.
【有时候,经历过错误才能获得宝贵的教训】
19.
There’s
strength
in
admitting
you
need
help.
【自己承认需要帮助,这是一种强大的表现】
20.
It’s
never
too
late
to
start
over
and
create
a
new
ending.
【重新开始,创造全新的结局,永远都不会晚】