.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
we
need
to
get
lost
in
order
to
find
ourselves
again.
"
【思绪漫游】
2.
"Two
roads
diverged
in
a
wood,
and
-
took
the
one
less
traveled
by,
and
that
has
made
all
the
difference.
"
【浪迹天涯】
3.
"We
all
have
two
lives.
The
second
one
begins
when
we
realize
we
only
have
one.
"
【行走路口】
4.
"Getting
lost
is
just
another
way
of
saying
'going
on
an
adventure'.
"
【找寻归所】
5.
"Sometimes
losing
yourself
in
a
place
is
the
best
way
to
find
yourself.
"
【静谧风景】
6.
"When
you
allow
yourself
to
become
lost,
you
open
up
the
possibility
to
discover
something
new.
"
【写下印记】
7.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
wander.
Sometimes
it's
when
we're
lost
that
we
find
what
we're
looking
for.
"
【寻找坐标】
8.
"The
only
way
to
find
your
path
is
to
get
lost
on
the
journey.
"
【独酌落花】
9.
"The
beauty
of
getting
lost
is
that
there
are
always
new
paths
to
discover.
"
【漫步荒野】
10.
"Just
because
you
may
feel
lost
today,
doesn't
mean
you
won't
find
your
way
tomorrow.
"
【星光蕴藏】
11.
"Sometimes
the
best
journeys
are
the
ones
that
we
didn't
plan.
"
【追逐彼岸】
12.
"We
all
get
lost
sometimes.
The
key
is
to
keep
moving
forward.
"
【行走路途】
13.
"Getting
lost
is
not
a
failure.
It's
an
opportunity
to
explore
new
horizons.
"
【流连逸境】
14.
"Sometimes
all
you
need
is
a
little
bit
of
distance
to
see
things
clearly.
"
【远离尘嚣】
15.
"In
order
to
find
your
way,
sometimes
you
need
to
get
lost
first.
"
【巷陌繁花】
16.
"The
beauty
of
being
lost
is
the
freedom
to
choose
a
new
path.
"
【追寻天空】
17.
"When
you
learn
to
enjoy
the
journey,
getting
lost
is
just
part
of
the
experience.
"
【岁月流转】
18.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
get
lost.
It's
often
through
wandering
that
we
find
what
truly
matters.
"
【信步探索】
19.
"Lost
doesn't
mean
forgotten.
Every
journey
has
a
beginning
and
an
end.
"
【岁月静好】
20.
"Embrace
the
unknown
and
discover
what
you
are
truly
capable
of.
"
【寻觅自我】