.jpg)
1.
The
gentle
breeze
caressed
her
skin
with
a
calming
touch.
】
2.
His
soft
whispers
melted
her
heart
like
warm
butter.
】
3.
The
way
he
looked
at
her
was
both
tender
and
loving.
】
4.
She
greeted
everyone
she
met
with
a
gentle
smile.
】
5.
The
melody
of
the
piano
was
as
gentle
as
a
lullaby.
】
6.
The
velvet
petals
of
the
rose
felt
soft
and
gentle
to
the
touch.
】
7.
He
held
her
hand
in
a
gentle
embrace,
never
wanting
to
let
go.
】
8.
She
spoke
to
him
in
a
gentle
voice,
soothing
his
troubled
mind.
】
9.
The
colors
of
the
sunset
were
muted
and
gentle,
creating
a
peaceful
atmosphere.
】
10.
The
kittens
played
together
in
a
gentle
and
innocent
manner.
】
11.
His
touch
was
gentle
and
tender,
like
a
mother
comforting
her
child.
】
12.
The
old
lady's
hands
were
soft
and
gentle
as
she
knitted
her
scarf.
】
13.
The
sound
of
rain
tapping
on
the
roof
was
gentle
and
calming.
】
14.
The
warm
glow
of
the
fire
cast
a
gentle
light
on
their
faces.
】
15.
The
lake
was
calm
and
gentle,
reflecting
the
beauty
of
the
surrounding
mountains.
】
16.
His
words
were
kind
and
gentle,
bringing
a
sense
of
comfort
to
everyone
in
the
room.
】
17.
The
soft
fabric
of
her
dress
felt
gentle
against
her
skin.
】
18.
The
gentle
sway
of
the
hammock
rocked
her
into
a
deep
sleep.
】
19.
The
smile
on
his
face
was
gentle
and
reassuring.
】
20.
She
laughed
in
a
gentle
way,
like
a
soft
breeze
blowing
through
the
trees.
】