.jpg)
1.
"Feeling
a
little
down
today,
could
use
some
love
and
attention"
【#NeedSomeLove】
2.
"Why
do
always
have
to
be
strong?
Can't
just
be
vulnerable
for
once?"
【#VulnerabilityIsBeautiful】
3.
"Feeling
neglected
by
everyone
lately,
someone
give
me
a
hug"
【#HugMePlease】
4.
"I
don't
always
need
attention,
but
it
sure
does
feel
nice
sometimes"
【#AttentionNeeded】
5.
"Can't
seem
to
shake
this
feeling
of
loneliness,
anyone
else
feel
the
same?"
【#LonelyDays】
6.
"It's
okay
to
be
soft
and
emotional
sometimes,
right?"
【#EmotionsAreValid】
7.
"Just
need
someone
to
tell
me
I'm
doing
a
good
job
and
that
everything
will
be
okay"
【#InNeedOfValidation】
8.
"Is
it
too
much
to
ask
for
a
little
bit
of
affection
every
once
in
a
while?"
【#AffectionNeeded】
9.
"Feeling
like
the
weight
of
the
world
is
on
my
shoulders,
could
use
a
friend
to
lean
on"
【#LeanOnMe】
10.
"Sometimes
just
want
to
be
babied
and
taken
care
of
like
a
child"
【#BabyMePlease】
11.
"Why
is
it
so
hard
for
me
to
express
my
emotions
without
feeling
embarrassed?"
【#EmotionalExpressionStruggles】
12.
"I'm
not
perfect
and
don't
pretend
to
be,
but
still
want
to
feel
loved
for
who
am"
【#LoveMeAsIAm】
13.
"Feeling
a
little
lost
and
unsure
of
myself
lately,
anyone
else
relate?"
【#LostInLife】
14.
"Just
because
I'm
strong
doesn't
mean
don't
need
support
and
love
sometimes"
【#StrongButNeedingLove】
15.
"I
don't
always
have
it
together,
but
that's
okay,
right?"
【#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay】
16.
"I
may
not
be
perfect,
but
I'm
perfectly
imperfect
and
that
deserves
love
too"
【#LoveMyImperfections】
17.
"Why
is
it
so
hard
for
me
to
ask
for
help
when
need
it?"
【#AskingForHelpIsOkay】
18.
"Feeling
like
I'm
carrying
the
weight
of
the
world
on
my
shoulders,
anyone
want
to
help
me
lighten
the
load?"
【#LightenTheLoad】
19.
"I'm
a
little
tired
and
overwhelmed,
anyone
else
feel
the
same?"
【#TiredAndOverwhelmed】
20.
"I
don't
always
need
someone
to
solve
my
problems,
sometimes
just
need
someone
to
listen"
【#NeedSomeoneToListen】