1.
"A
hero
is
someone
who
is
gentle
enough
to
listen
to
the
silence
of
those
in
need.
"
【温柔是英雄的品质。
】
2.
"A
true
hero
doesn't
need
to
raise
his
voice,
he
lets
his
actions
speak
for
themselves.
"
【英雄无需高声呼喊,他的行动能够表达一切。
】
3.
"It
takes
strength
to
be
gentle
and
kind.
"
【强者方能温柔善良。
】
4.
"The
greatest
heroes
are
often
the
quietest
ones.
"
【最伟大的英雄往往是最安静的。
】
5.
"A
hero
may
wear
a
cape,
but
true
strength
comes
from
the
heart.
"
【英雄虽披斗篷,但真正的力量源自内心。
】
6.
"A
hero
is
someone
who
is
not
afraid
to
show
compassion
in
a
world
that
can
be
cruel.
"
【面对世界的冷酷无情,英雄仍能展现出同情怜悯之心。
】
7.
"A
hero
is
not
defined
by
his
muscles,
but
by
his
ability
to
soothe
the
pain
of
others
with
tenderness.
"
【英雄非靠肌肉来定义,而是通过温柔提供给他人抚慰和帮助。
】
8.
"The
gentlest
person
may
be
the
strongest
of
all.
"
【最温柔的人也许就是最坚强的人。
】
9.
"A
hero's
greatest
weapon
is
not
a
sword,
but
a
caring
heart.
"
【英雄最大的武器不是剑,而是一颗充满温情的心。
】
10.
"A
gentle
touch
can
heal
the
most
wounded
soul.
"
【轻柔触摸能够疗愈最受伤的灵魂。
】
11.
"True
heroes
don't
seek
fame,
they
seek
to
make
a
difference
in
the
lives
of
others.
"【真正的英雄不谋求名利,而是希望在他人生命中有所作为。
】
12.
"A
hero's
strength
is
measured
not
by
his
fists,
but
by
the
love
he
gives
to
those
in
need.
"
【英雄的强大不是用拳头来衡量的,而是他给予那些需要帮助的人的爱。
】
13.
"A
gentle
word
can
turn
away
wrath,
but
a
harsh
word
stirs
up
anger.
"
【温柔的语言能化解怒气,而粗暴的言语却会激怒人心。
】
14.
"A
hero
is
not
someone
who
never
falls,
but
someone
who
always
rises
after
each
fall.
"
【英雄不是永远不会倒下的人,而是每次跌倒后总能再起的人。
】
15.
"A
Hero's
strength
lies
not
in
his
physical
prowess,
but
in
his
inner
courage
and
kindness.
"
【英雄的力量不在于他的身体强度,而在于他内在的勇气和善良。
】
16.
"The
greatest
power
lies
not
in
domination,
but
in
compassion.
"
【最大的力量不在于统治,而在于同情心。
】
17.
"Kindness
is
the
language
that
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
【善良是一种语言,即使聋者也能听得见,盲者也能看得见。
】
18.
"A
hero
is
someone
who
never
loses
hope
and
always
believes
in
the
power
of
love.
"
【英雄永不放弃希望,始终相信爱的力量。
】
19.
"The
world
needs
a
hero
who
can
lead
with
a
gentle
hand
and
a
compassionate
heart.
"
【世界需要一位英雄,他能用温柔的手和同情的心来引领。
】
20.
"A
hero
is
not
made
by
the
shield
that
he
carries,
but
by
the
heart
that
beats
within
him.
"
【英雄的成就不在于他携带的盾牌,而在于内心的跳动。
】