.jpg)
1.
"New
life,
new
me!"
【#手术后重生#】
2.
"Finally
said
farewell
to
the
pain"
【#告别痛苦#】
3.
"Thanks
to
the
skilled
hands
of
the
surgeons"
【#感谢医生#】
4.
"Ready
to
take
on
the
world
one
step
at
a
time"
【#迈步向前#】
5.
"The
road
to
recovery
begins
today"
【#恢复之路#】
6.
"Grateful
for
the
love
and
support
of
family
and
friends"
【#感恩家人朋友#】
7.
"Feeling
blessed
to
have
a
second
chance"
【#幸福重生#】
8.
"Taking
it
easy
for
now,
but
excited
for
what's
to
come"
【#放松冥想#】
9.
"Learning
to
appreciate
the
simple
things
in
life"
【#感恩生命#】
10.
"Healing
not
just
my
body,
but
my
soul
as
well"
【#身心疗愈#】
11.
"Looking
forward
to
getting
back
to
my
passions"
【#重返爱好#】
12.
"Feeling
like
a
warrior
after
conquering
surgery"
【#战胜手术#】
13.
"Thank
you
for
all
the
kind
messages
and
well
wishes"
【#感谢祝福#】
14.
"Realizing
how
precious
every
moment
truly
is"
【#珍惜时光#】
15.
"Starting
fresh
with
a
new
perspective
on
life"
【#换个角度看世界#】
16.
"Taking
things
one
day
at
a
time,
but
with
a
smile
on
my
face"
【#微笑迎接未来#】
17.
"Three
words:
am
grateful"
【#感激生命#】
18.
"Coming
back
stronger
than
ever
before"
【#比以前更强#】
19.
"Taking
this
experience
as
a
lesson
and
moving
forward"
【#吸取教训#】
20.
"Feeling
humbled
by
the
outpouring
of
love
and
support"
【#感受爱与支持#】