.jpg)
1.
"Just
like
the
Cherry
Blossom;
Beautiful,
yet
fleeting.
"
【#CherryBlossom
#Fleeting】
2.
"The
more
looked
at
the
Cherry
tree,
the
more
sorrowful
it
seemed.
"
【#Sorrowful
#CherryTree】
3.
"Cherries
may
be
sweet,
but
sometimes
life
can
leave
a
bitter
taste.
"
【#Sweetness
#Bitterness】
4.
"The
Cherry
trees
stand
tall,
yet
they
too
must
bend
in
the
face
of
a
storm.
"
【#StandingTall
#Bending】
5.
"Just
like
the
Cherry
tree
that
bears
fruit,
we
too
must
bear
the
weight
of
our
mistakes.
"
【#BearingFruit
#Mistakes】
6.
"The
beauty
of
the
Cherry
Blossom
is
intensified
by
the
darkness
that
surrounds
it.
"
【#Beauty
#Darkness】
7.
"The
Cherry
tree
bears
witness
to
the
passing
of
time
and
the
fleeting
nature
of
life.
"
【#PassingOfTime
#FleetingNature】
8.
"In
the
world
of
Cherry
Blossoms,
even
death
can
be
beautiful.
"
【#BeautyInDeath
#CherryBlossom】
9.
"The
Cherry
tree
reminds
us
that
even
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life
must
come
to
an
end.
"
【#BeautifulThings
#Endings】
10.
"Like
the
Cherry
Blossom,
life
is
delicate
and
must
be
cherished
while
it
lasts.
"
【#DelicateLife
#Cherish】
11.
"As
the
Cherry
Blossom
falls
to
the
ground,
so
too
must
we
eventually
leave
this
world.
"
【#Falling
#Leaving】
12.
"The
Cherry
tree
teaches
us
that
in
order
to
bear
fruit,
we
must
first
endure
the
hardships
of
winter.
"
【#EnduringHardships
#BearingFruit】
13.
"Just
like
the
Cherry
Blossom,
grief
can
come
suddenly
and
with
great
force.
"
【#SuddenGrief
#CherryBlossom】
14.
"The
Cherry
tree
stands
as
a
symbol
of
resilience
and
strength
in
the
face
of
adversity.
"
【#Resilience
#Strength】
15.
"In
the
midst
of
despair,
let
the
beauty
of
the
Cherry
Blossom
shine
through.
"
【#Despair
#Beauty】
16.
"Even
in
the
darkest
of
winters,
the
Cherry
tree
holds
the
promise
of
spring.
"
【#DarkWinter
#PromiseOfSpring】
17.
"The
Cherry
Blossom
is
a
fleeting
reminder
of
the
preciousness
of
life.
"
【#PreciousnessOfLife
#FleetingReminder】
18.
"The
Cherry
tree
teaches
us
that
no
matter
how
strong
the
winds
may
blow,
we
can
always
stand
back
up.
"
【#StrongWinds
#StandingUp】
19.
"The
beauty
of
the
Cherry
Blossom
lies
not
only
in
its
appearance,
but
in
the
emotions
it
evokes
within
us.
"
【#Emotions
#CherryBlossom】
20.
"As
the
Cherry
tree
undergoes
its
yearly
transformation,
we
too
can
find
new
beginnings
and
growth
within
ourselves.
"
【#Transformation
#NewBeginnings】